SNRE PhD Candidate Zulia Mayari Sanchez-Mejia Wins First Place Poster Award at the IE Grad Blitz

Nov. 9, 2012

SNRE PhD Candidate Zulia Mayari Sanchez-Mejia won the First Place Poster Award at the Institute of the Environment (IE) Grad Blitz held on November 8, 2012.  Zulia has been working in the Papuga Lab as a CONACyT PhD Fellow since January 2010.  At the 2012 Grad Blitz, Zulia presented her work "Deep soil moisture influence on ecosystem albedo: what is the role of vegetation in semiarid ecosystems?"  According to the IE website (, this years event showcased a huge diversity of topics from over 50 presenters, representing 25 departments across the UA campus. Congratulations Zulia!