SNRE Students and Staff Present Research and Win Awards at 2018 Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society!

March 1, 2018

SNRE students and staff presented research on fish and wildlife management in the February 2018 General Annual Meeting (JAM), and were recognized for their accomplishments during 2018.  Twenty-four presentations or posters from SNRE fish and wildlife researchers were given to audiences of managers and scientists from throughout the Southwest.  These presentations ranged from effects of river flows on Arizona?s stream fish communities to the latest management and biology of high-elevation small mammal populations. 

Fisheries graduate student Zach Nemec won a Miles McGinnis Scholarship for his work on the relationship of riparian plant communities with Arizona?s stream fish communities.   Professor and former Wildlife and Fisheries Program lead Dr. R. William Mannan won ?The Wildlife Society Conservation Professional of the Year? for his dedication to research and education. Graduate students Zach Nemec and Larissa Lee even won the ?Stinky-Boot? award for bogging a truck down ? and retrieving it ? in an Arizona river while attempting to monitor remote sites for fish and habitat information! 

SNRE Professor Dr. Scott Bonar, who was elected President of the American Fisheries Society, informed members of the society of happenings at the North American level.  Students of SNRE did well in the meeting?s Student Quiz Bowl, where they received a second place.  Overall, the conference was an excellent opportunity to exchange information and showcase the excellent research being conducted in fish and wildlife disciplines within SNRE!